
Chiara Corbella Petrillo

Have any of you heard the story of Chiara Corbella Petrillo? I just devoured her biography, which apparently came out last month. It's the story of a young, joyful, ravishingly beautiful woman in Italy, her courageous husband, and their astonishing approach to suffering and death- both their children's and Chiara's in 2012.

There's something both irresistible and troubling about the lives of the saints. Their self-forgetfulness, charity toward their fellow humans, and love for God are mesmerizing. But their sufferings, which they view as their means to heaven (Jesus tells us the cross is the way), make us uneasy. How is it possible to suffer so much and remain not just faithful, but joyful?

If you're like me, you feel a little spiritual jealousy, realizing your disinclination to view each pain in life as a "kiss from Jesus" (Mother Teresa's words). And yet, I think we find that stories like Chiara's are the antidote to a fear of suffering and death that is particularly Western. Those being persecuted for their faith as we speak would likely not be as shocked by Chiara's story as we are. I would imagine joy and complete dependence on God in the face of poverty, death and destruction come more naturally to those who experience it regularly (witness little Miriam and her song).

We, however, who are privileged to have safe neighborhoods, access to doctors, good food, warm homes, jobs, loving families, etc., whenever we need them, would benefit enormously from reading how a fellow privileged Westerner heroically embraced tremendous sufferings and ultimately death instead of running from them in fear or falling into despair.  Chiara's story provides a beautiful template for those of us struggling to joyfully emulate Christ in our sufferings. I think it will also draw in many non-believers who are captivated. I'm confident we have modern-day saint on our hands here. St. Chiara, pray for us!


Pop Pop said...

I will read Chiara's story, Cara. Thank you also for the link to Miriam's song, which reminds us that children are Jesus' favorites, even as they suffer.

Hilary said...

Just watched the video link - wow, if only every woman contemplating abortion could watch it. What a beautiful witness to motherhood. I'd love to read the book (maybe I will steal it from you;-)).


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