After a couple hours of heavy snow, the power went off Wednesday around dinnertime. We broke out our candles (thank goodness for my candle fetish- we had a stockpile), our flashlights and waited expectantly for the heat to come back on. It didn't. We bundled up in hats, mittens and sweaters, and went to bed. We got up Thursday morning to a chilly house (50's) and immediately got a fire going. At first there's something exhilarating about no heat; having to snap into survival mode meant skillet fried eggs, toasted english muffins, hot chocolate and coffee over an open fire. Fun! Right?
It started to be not so fun around 3 pm. My romantic vision of a pioneer's life (yes, we pioneers with hot running water) disintegrated as a hollow, sick feeling developed in the pit of my chest from breathing in smoke. The temperature was dipping lower as the day wore on, so hanging out in cold rooms away from the fire became less of an option. We wimped out. Thank goodness for family with power nearby. We hopped into our wagon, err, Lexus, and headed to hotel Farr for two lovely nights (thanks Mom and Dad!). Our power came back on Friday night (at midnight). By that point our house was in the 40's. I found out when we got home that other neighbors had to brave the cold with children; a reminder what a gift it is to have family nearby.
Might I add that days seem to be longer when you're not so technologically connected; and I mean that in a good way.
Wow, Cara - you held out for longer than I would have! I usually call my parents whimpering as soon as our lights flicker. :)
You're right - family close by is such a blessing!
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