
Time for formal catechesis?

In the car on the way to Mass:

Teresa: "Mommy, what is Jesus going to say today?"

Me: "Um, well, you mean what is the priest going to say today?" (sometimes Teresa gets Jesus and the priest confused, e.g., "Jesus is wearing green today!")

Teresa: "No, I mean what is Jesus going to say?"

Frankie: "Teresa," (chuckling at her little sister's simplicity) "Jesus isn't going to say anything. He's a statue!"

Whereupon I found myself knee-deep in the Incarnation, the Trinity, the Eucharist...and realizing I need to read a little about introducing a 4 year old to the basic tenets of the faith (Teresa interrupted my exhortation: "Mommy, I smell bubble gum.") Any recommendations on resources?


Chris Cook said...

Hi Cara

What a sweet story. I have been thinking about this and here is my thought.

Frankie, Teresa, Dave Jr. and Baby Girl Cook have been truly blessed by being placed with such loving and faith filled parents, such as you and Dave. And, of course, their grandparents and aunts, and uncles, and cousins love them dearly.

I feel that God had a smile on His face as he listened to His children have that conversation. God slowly reveals Himself to his children and I think that He is quite pleased with what you and Dave have done to teach them to love Him and to know Him.

A good example of God slowly revealing Himself, think about that God did not even reveal to Jesus that we was the Son of God and the Messiah until sometime later in Jesus's life. It is a mystery but a beautiful part of the relationship between the Father and the Son.

This comes from Lolo who does not really understand all of this fully, but probably no one does.

I think you and Dave have done a wonderful job with your children, and it will be a great life experience to watch your children grow in faith according to His plan.

Love you all.

What's Cookin? said...

Aw thank you for the thoughtful comment Lolo! You're right- I'm sure Jesus finds the faith of children both beautiful AND amusing :)

Nat said...

That was a great post from Lolo. I agree... they'll figure it all out in time - especially since they have such great examples for parents:)


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