
Spring days and Preparing for the Triduum

Hanging out with some friends. 
Our little guy will be getting strabismus surgery on both eyes April 25- prayers appreciated!

April showers bring May flowers... but what about April deluges? 

Lola's cinnamon rolls make a great birthday cake! Our big two-year old.

Saying good-bye to some dear friends.

The first 2 year old to actually blow her candles out herself! Bravo Rose.

Donning coats again. Spring, where did you go??

One of my favorite spring blooms: viburnum. Smells heavenly.

We'll be doing a passover seder meal tomorrow night, which will be a first for us. It's hard to get into the spirit of Holy Thursday with the little ones, so I'm hoping that sharing the meal Jesus celebrated the night before He died will kick off the Triduum in a more tangible way. Here's an explanation of the symbolism behind the seder I found interesting.  I don't think we'll be doing a full-fledged seder (e.g. downing four cups of wine through the course of the meal- Rose is crazy enough at dinner time), but we'll try to get a choice few of the major symbolic pieces of the meal in there.

Anyone ever participated in one? What were your impressions?

1 comment:

Nat said...

Never done a seder but that was a big piece of meat in your fridge. I'll look forward to the leftovers:)


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