
Poor little guy

David wanted to be like his daddy, so he broke his arm last night. Actually, it's nothing like Dave's horrible injury years ago, thank you God! Just a hairline fracture; he fell off a big-kid bike. He's a happy guy considering, especially now that he's being coddled and gets to watch lots of cartoons. His squeamish mommy was much more of a mess than he was, to which the whole family will attest :)


Pop Pop said...

David's mommy may be a bit squeamish (nothing wrong with that), but she's a decisive critter too!

David is fortunate to have two of the most caring, loving parents ever. He already knows that. He'll know it even more as time goes on.

What's Cookin? said...

Aw thank you Dad. Dave was the hero last night, truly. He decided to go to the ER, waited for four hours, managed to keep David happy, and exuded calm the entire time.

Nat said...

Poor little guy. I'll be sure to bring him lots of candy and cartoons when I see him next since I feel responsible for allowing him on the big kid bike earlier in the day :(

Unknown said...

Oh no! Poor little guy. You all are tough cookies. Let me know if you all need anything!


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