
Summer days

We're hoping that by being near to the piano Rose will develop some sort of talent by osmosis.  The downside is that this room, needless to say, must remain locked to the general public (i.e. David) to discourage noisy delightful piano masterpieces while Rose sleeps.

 We're always late to enforce "tummy time" around here...which explains why each of our children has been bald on the back of the head probably longer than necessary.

I call this the juxtaposition of happiness (balloons) and uncertainty (Teresa). Only Teresa would wake up one morning (yesterday) and say with a scowl, "Why does it always have to be sunny? Go away sunshine." As an aside: Mom- does this remind you of a certain college performance involving balloons?

Frankie holds Rose quite often now. It's amazing how something somewhat verboten a month ago (holding Rose) has become acceptable- no doubt in large part because of F's maturity. You can tell Rose knows she's in able hands.

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