
Happy Birthday, My Beautiful Wife

On the portico of the Main Building at Notre Dame, there are benches that overlook the "God Quad", meticulously landscaped and with views of the Basilica and all the other original buildings on campus.  On nice evenings in the Fall and Spring, Cara and I used to spend hours sitting on those benches - talking about our dreams, our goals, family, friends, faith, sports, music, everything.  Our conversations were always effortless, from the very first one we had.  Afterwards, we would head over to the student center where we would study philosophy while eating gummy worms.  She was my best friend from the very first day we set foot on campus, and now she's everything I could want in a wife.  I love you, Cara!


mother in law said...

...and she found Prince Charming!

Pop Pop said...

Cara has always been beautiful. When she was born, I fainted!

Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter.


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