You've seen the artwork. Here's your chance to get a 10% cut of its future sale. Leave in the comment section of this post a caption to Francasso's modern art masterpiece. If you are selected by Francasso's mommy as the winner of the caption contest, you will share in the GLORY and RICHES that will come from its inevitable sale to the Tate Modern. Fire away!
(Hint: Her primary passions are ballet, changing outfits 35 times a day, and jelly beans.)

"Daddy, I got a bad jellybean--"
On further reflection (and I've been thinking about this alot), how about:"Three fried eggs and some cinnamon toast--I'll take it on a tray in bed."
Hahaha. I think I'm leaning toward the first caption, being the melancholic that I am. Very "realist". But I appreciate your attempt to romanticize it, Doodad.
The kids seem to agree there are cherry pies involved. They vote for "Frankie's Cherry Pies."
Hilary and kids
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