
This and that

This, after Frankie reported one night at dinner that a certain Noah (there are many in her class) lied to the teacher about Frankie misbehaving. I would be cautious believing it, but for other Noah stories I've heard, and Frankie's general veracity about such things. Not sure if Frankie put Teresa up to this devious errand, or if Teresa conceived it herself...

Pirouetting in  her First Communion dress, for size.

First meeting of Families of Bethany at our parish (probably 30 children running around the house not included in the picture). Looking forward to more- a great group of families helping each other grow in holiness.

Someone had the courtesy to pull Our Lady up to the table for a muffin.

Gearing up for another snowstorm, complete with days off school. I've lost count how many days they've missed, but it's rather obscene.

A shout out to my dad (and Natalie in attendance) as he heads a big conference tonight- good luck!

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