
Cabin fever

It's cold outside, which makes for creative play indoors. So I wasn't entirely surprised to find every kitchen utensil spread on the kitchen floor ("we're organizing, Mom!"), nor was I surprised to find the girls had dressed Rose up as a fairy ballerina.  Remember this outfit, Aunts Missy and Melanie? We need to sign this girl up for a baby ballet class.

Look at that pointed toe!


Dave said...

And her face bruise currently looks like a red swan on a yellow lake. Very appropriate.

grandmommy said...

is that Pan in the background (Striped shirt, no drawers)? If so, need to get him some devil horns--

Pop Pop said...

No, that's David saying, "Quick, Rose, I'll save you from this ballet class! Let's go play football."

What's Cookin? said...

It was a potty training day (of mixed success...), so Pan was being forced to go half-nude. He could still use some devil horns...


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