
Happy Feast Day

There is so much to unpack from the historical record of this miracle. I keep finding out things I didn't know! I wish I could attach audio file of our family friend Fr. Hudgins' homily today. He talks about the huge bump in conversions (we're talking millions of people) right after this apparition took place, when previous efforts to convert the Aztecs had been fairly fruitless. All the Aztec imagery that is part of Mary's appearance apparently made quite an impact. And you could say there was a certain urgency in obtaining Aztec converts, given their systematic, grisly and frequent use of human sacrifice. Anyway, fascinating. 
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.


Pop Pop said...

If you travel to Mexico City, you can view the "tilma" - the peasant cloak worn by Juan Diego, in which Our Lady left an imprint of her image in 1531 on Tepeyac Hill in Mexico. The tilma is preserved in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

What's Cookin? said...

Right- the tilma is the other fascinating half of the miracle that's more widely known, I would say. Cactus fibers that should have disintegrated within 20 years are still intact. The eyes reflect 14 people. The colors are inexplicably hovering over the fibers. And so much more!


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