
Indulge me, please

Last night during the debate, Vice President Biden said something that I feel compelled to write about. It's a stale tidbit, stated in the public square ad nauseum, and aside from personally driving me up a wall, it illustrates the extent to which our culture has become hard-hearted.

Biden said something along the lines of, "I accept the Catholic Church's position on abortion 'de fidei,' but I will not impose my faith on Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. who disagree with my faith."

Aside from the shoddy reasoning (since we "impose" our beliefs on others about all kinds of morality through our laws), the proponents of this line show a stunning lack of mercy. Sure I believe that the fetus is a human being, like my church does, but who am I to tell others that human life in the womb should be protected by law? Can you imagine using this line of reasoning in another way, like, Sure I believe toddlers are human beings, but who am I to tell others they deserve protection by the law?

VP Biden actually conceded that fetuses are human beings. I so wish Paul Ryan had pressed him on this. Wait, you say you believe life begins at conception... we're talking about whether our laws should protect a tiny human life, not whether or not to ban extra large sodas... don't you think you should feel some urgency about this? So you're saying women reserve the right to wipe out the lives that aren't wanted?

I always come back to slavery, because it's a evil that quickly appeals to our modern sense of justice. Don't you think there must have been so many people who loathed the idea of slavery, but because of fear or political gain or cowardice they refused to push their "personal morality" on the public? We naturally recoil at such hypocrisy when it is exposed.  I'm convinced abortion is the slavery of our day, albeit a silent, hidden one. It's all around us, heralded as a woman's hard-won right by the extremists (Nancy Keenan at the DNC, anyone?), and permitted as a necessary evil by the lukewarm, meanwhile keeping the money flowing to powerful lobbies.

So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth (Rev. 3:16). Why not just join the camp of "It's not a person yet; personhood begins at blah blah blah" rather than claiming to stand with the Catholic Church on abortion and then not? Be cold or be hot. Don't pretend to be both. People like Joe Biden, who on weighty issues that have to do with the direct killing of human life (or so he states) fear taking their positions to a logical conclusion, are allowed to be comfortable living out a contradiction as long as no one presses them in public. Opportunity lost, Paul Ryan.

Thanks for indulging my indignation.

Please pray for a dear relative of the Farrs who just got diagnosed with breast cancer, that her path to a cure is as smooth and painless as possible.

And to add a little mirth to your day, watch this.


Anonymous said...

Very nicely said, Sister:-).

Dave said...

My girl is wicked smaahht!


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