

Francesca picks up words and phrases like a sponge. Every now and then she'll repeat something that I've said maybe *once* before- which can be scary enough- like when she informed me, "You're driving me nuts!" after I prodded her to get dressed one morning. But the following really has me baffled, and I'm being honest- these words haven't come out of my or Dave's mouth *ever* to my knowledge. In the car, commenting on the traffic lights, my mom informed Frankie, "Red means stop. Green means go!" A small voice from the back of the car asked, "Go to hell?"
We're consoling ourselves with the thought that perhaps she picked up the H-E-double hockey sticks at some point during the liturgy at Mass. Is it possible? Otherwise, family and friends are out of the equation, and I haven't heard that phrase on Lady and the Tramp or Elmo to date. Thankfully she hasn't repeated it since.


Missy said...

I promise it wasn't me :)

Unknown said...

I'm casting a suspicious eye on pop-pop.


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