
Dad's First Yoga Experience

From my New Book, How to make an impression at Yoga class, by Chris Cook. (Saturday was my first yoga class)

The following instructions are from the Club’s “Studio Tranquility” sheet. I read these instructions after my first class.

1. Be early to begin meditation. In no event are you to enter after the doors have been closed. Participants are entering into a new state of being one with themselves and entering a state of nirvana. Chris walks in late while the class is in session with no mat. Instructor stops the class to bring me a mat. Forced to sit right in the middle of all the people.

2. Do not drink water as it disturbs the inner heat and flexibility. Chris brings in his water bottle and takes huge gulps the entire class.

3. Bring your own personal mat that can provide you with more energy. Chris walked in without a mat and all of the other yoga help aids. Instructor keeps bringing Chris mat, straps, etc.

4. Create a space of healing, quiet, and friendship. Chris – see above.

5. Do not bring a beginner to class in respect for the others. Chris enters an advanced class where he is not even remotely able to do any of the poses other than the cat thing where you kneel down and relax. There was one pose where they were on their stomachs and then hold each ankle with their hands so they look like a gondola. Chris does the cat thing. He tries “downward dog” but his groaning in agony disrupts the tranquility of the class.

6. Do not wear your shoes into class, to protect the floor and enhance the experience for all. Chris – enters wearing his shoes and instructor has to tell him to remove them. Room is very hot with very little air flow. You can imagine the impact a sweaty pair of shoes had in enhancing the experience of all.

7. Work to create a space of harmony for all. Chris – see above.

I guess I have a lot to learn about the inner being part of yoga.

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