
Seen and heard

The knight and his princess.

This sword may appear bent, but dragons are no match for it.

Even knights need a snack break.

One of Teresa's many lovely creations from around the house.

David and Rose are adorable playmates these days. Watching them together frequently makes me laugh, and I wish I took the time to write down every funny exchange.  A recent one I happened to record:

David, playing with Rose, with great sadness: "I'm lost for my mother! I just got out of her tummy today, and she got away." You gotta watch those new mothers, they're tricky.

David, Rose and I go to a children's holy hour every Friday. I try to draw their attention to the fact that Jesus is physically there with us. This past Friday was no different. Me: "Rose, did you say hi to Jesus yet? He's right there, looking at you." Rose: "Because I'm so beautiful?" Indeed.

Snow is again falling heavily outside the window, and I hear we're in for 4-6 inches and an additional inch of ice overnight. Frankie and Teresa are at Grandmommy and Pop-pop's house with the cousins, no doubt enjoying the snow day. Not sure about Grandmommy and Pop-pop :) Will call you soon about when we can retrieve them! Hope everyone had a cheery Valentine's Day. 


Reflecting on Our 10th Wedding Anniversary

Happy 10th Anniversary to my beloved. Ten years ago today, we were married at St. James in Falls Church by Fr. Cornelius O'Brien. Our wedding came after an over four-year courtship, most of which took place under the gaze of Our Lady at Notre Dame. It was fitting, then, that we were married on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, our family patroness.

"By their fruits you will know them." Matthew 7:16

I turn first and foremost to Francesca, Teresa, David Jr,, Rose, and our little Junior Jr. as the "fruits" of our ten years of marriage. They are healthy and happy children who are smart and talented in their own ways. It is a daily joy to see them grow, to get to know the persons they are becoming, and to witness God's loving hands at work, crafting them into His Image. The best that Cara and I can do is simply to not hinder His work, and to promote it through prayer and example. Cara is MY example in this role.

I turn also to the generations of family members who have made their (and our) lives a reality. Most immediately, to our parents who have provided so much support in so many myriad ways that it is impossible to count or to repay, except to do our best to pass on that heroic generosity to our children.

Then, to our parents' parents: To George and Winnie Cook, for passing on the values of hard work and steadfast fulfillment of the daily responsibilities of life. To Cosme and Felicidad Lamug, for their magnanimous faith and joy in spite of the ever-present challenge of putting food on the table for their seven children. And to Cara's grandparents, and a lineage that traces back to before the Revolutionary War and to the lowlands of Scotland, who have embodied the principles of individual responsibility, patriotism, entrepreneurship, and Christian faith that have served as the bedrock of our American heritage. (Sorry if this is starting to sound like a presidential stump speech; probably watching too many debates...)

But I do mean this sincerely and believe this truly: that the reality of our children is one that was sewn over generations of family members. And those who, either through word or action, dismiss the importance of family do not understand its primacy in the continual building of stable and happy homes down the line. It is an intergenerational effort. I have been personally fortunate to both experience this reality, and to have had the opportunity to pay it forward through my work at YLF and now in my role at Queen of Apostles. And not just an opportunity, but a solemn responsibility.

I pray that our children will find these familial bonds in their future husbands and wives. And that they will be inspired by their spouses, as I have been by Cara. I don't say it often enough to her, but she challenges me and supports me in so many little and ordinary ways every day, that I continually want to do more and be more for her, and for our children.

When we do check back in in 2026, Francesca will be in her second semester of her first year of college. I am so excited to see what the next ten years have in store for us.

Finally, at our wedding we gave to all of our guests a prayer card with the words Totus Tuus, "Totally Yours," on it: words that were very close to the heart of St. John Paul II, who died the year before our wedding. I ask for his words - and your prayers - over Cara and me, and that all couples might experience the merciful and eternal love of Our Father.

“Immaculate Conception, Mary my Mother… Possess my soul, Take over my entire personality and life, replace it with Yourself.” 


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