
The March and a trip

Hilary, Anna, Maria, Gracie, Julia, Jackson (taking the picture) with friends at Union Station gearing up for the March for Life.  You guys rock.
On their way! Pictures of the crowds are amazing- half a million people by many counts. Must have been exhilarating to be there! We supported the March in spirit this year- hoping one of these years soon to get out there with the littles.

The Mr. and Mrs. enjoying a chilly luncheon outdoors. 

I love it when I hear *silence*, walk quickly to see what everyone is up to, and find this.
Dave, Jeff and Lolo's view this weekend from an Orlando golf course. Lucky ducks!

Dave left this weekend, along with Jeff and Lolo, for a golf trip to Orlando. It came a good time in a way: after a crazy week of work preparing Queen of Apostles for the big groups coming through for the March for Life.  Even though they started out exhausted (Jeff taking a red-eye flight the night before with a dislocated thumb!), it sounds like it ended up being a relaxing trip. They came home with sunburns... a nice thing to see in the dead of winter! Grandmommy and Aunt Hilary came over to help me over the weekend, for which I'm so grateful...thank you both!!

1 comment:

Chris Cook said...

Lucky ducks is right on. We played 18 holes in a driving rain on Saturday. Don't you feel sorry for us?


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