
David before and after

I said a while back I'd post before/after surgery photos of David to show you how his eyes have healed. So without further ado...

Little guy. Here's a rare shot of his right eye "floating". Usually it was his left.
Ta da! Pretty darn straight if you ask me. 
David's first portrait! Before the eyes, nose and extremities were added he asked me, "What do you think this is?"  I guessed, "A banana?" I was wrong. "It's a monster!" Of course. He seems to have had a breakthrough moment rendering eyes, nose, mouth (actually, it's the monster's tummy says David), arms and legs. 


Nature's cruelty and family art

I've delayed sharing this news because it is so sad. Our little bird Carrie disappeared from her nest about a week ago. We searched everywhere for her, but because the gate to our back yard had been left open the night before, the nest was on the ground, and the unhatched eggs broken, we couldn't help but assume the worst. The saddest part was watching the mother and father come to the nest all morning, the mother searching and calling for her baby. Nature can be so cruel! Such a sad day that was.

On a happier note, below we have paintings by Frankie, Teresa, David and Rose (not in that order). Can you guess who the artist is for each one?


Goings on

Yesterday David learned to ride a 2-wheeler, admittedly to my surprise. Dave had confidence he was ready, and apparently he was right. Now to start working on Rose...

Our little absent-minded professor
Frankie continues expanding her rainbow-loom skills.

The most exciting 15 minutes of David's life: watching a bulldozer at work from 20 feet away. He followed it, sitting down cross-legged at times, around the perimeter of the playground as it planted trees. This park is pretty cool!


Our bird family

We decided to name the sweet cardinal family living on our back porch. The dad is Charles, the mom is Caroline, and the baby is Carrie. (Recognize them from Little House on the Prairie?)  It's fascinating to watch the teamwork between the parents; they have a system down. The father knows when the mother is leaving the nest and comes to feed the baby while she's away. Sometimes the father comes to pass some food on directly to the mother, and it looks like they're kissing. Needless to say, Charles, Caroline and Carrie have won our hearts.

Baby Carrie (who could be a Charles, we don't know...) growing feathers on her wings and taking up more space.

Taken a week or so later. She's getting all the nutrients her brother and sister would have gotten- perhaps she's growing faster than she might have. She's filling out the nest, and when she stretches out for feedings, it looks like she could topple out sometimes. Her little chirp is precious!

Rose likes to alternate between baby dolls and cars. A healthy balance I'm sure. David sure enjoys having a car buddy.


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