So much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving after what seems to have been a Lenten year.
God continues to shower graces on our family, gifting us when we have the courage to be like supple clay in His hands. The saying goes that God never gives us a cross we can't handle. But what does it mean to "handle" a cross, exactly? My experience has been when I think I'm about to be crushed by some cross, and just when I cry out for help, He sends a reminder in some form that He has everything under control, if only I trust Him. A life of faith seems to be marked by this dichotomy- mortal fear rising up, then a deep act of trust in a loving Father's goodness. "Handling" a cross is simply recognizing one's complete dependence on God in the face of suffering. The sufferings don't disappear, but fear and sadness are replaced with gratefulness and renewed strength.
I'm reading St. Faustina's diary again, because it is truly a
tour de force of God and the soul. I can see why the overarching message of her diary, which John Paul the Great emphasized so much during his pontificate, speaks so forcefully to our generation: don't be afraid, trust in God's goodness and mercy, see how much He wants to forgive you, strengthen you, console you. I, for one, am mortally afraid of suffering and prone to feeling overwhelmed. St. Faustina's diary serves as a beautiful reminder of the antidote. Christ tells her:
My child...entrust yourself completely to My will, saying 'Not as I want, but according to Your will, O God, let it be done unto me.' These words, spoken from the depths of one's heart, can raise a soul to the summit of sanctity in a short time. In such a soul I delight. Such a soul gives Me glory. Such a soul fills heaven with the fragrance of her virtue. But understand that the strength by which you bear sufferings comes from frequent Communions. So approach this fountain of mercy often, to draw with the vessel of trust whatever you need. (1487)
My child, life on earth is a struggle indeed; a great struggle for My kingdom. But fear not, because you are not alone. I am always supporting you, so lean on Me as you struggle, fearing nothing. Take the vessel of trust and draw from the fountain of life-- for yourself, but also for other souls, especially such as are distrustful of My goodness. (1488)
Leading up to Christmas, Joseph and Mary must have made countless acts of trust in the face of terrible uncertainties. Happy Advent to all- prayers for many fruitful acts of trust throughout this season of preparation!
A little after dinner wrestling |