The first day of school seems to have been enjoyable. She must have been a little preoccupied, given that she didn't eat her beloved fruit snacks at lunch! Much was covered in the academics department, and we're slowly working our way through the material, trying not to make kindergarten seem tedious to Frankie in the process. This is an ambitious program, complete with Latin, History, Geography, Catechism, Grammar, Science, Music and Handwriting...I'm probably missing a few subjects. Oh, and I'm reading The Hobbit to her. She's five years old. But I'm trying not to stress over any of this. There's only so much a 5 year old can absorb, and only so much I can physically go through with her. It's great material, and Frankie's a quick, diligent student, making my job pretty easy.
Can you take a picture of us all wearing jeans? |
Do prints look good on me, Mommy? |
David has started putting sentences together of late. Usually imperatives, like, "Ice cream today, Mommy." |
Bye! |