David sings Hallelujah
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, was required reading for one of my political philosophy courses at Notre Dame. I'm glad it was, otherwise I would never have picked up this classic in book form (the Farrs can attest to watching the George C. Scott version of the movie religiously for years, though... I think I have it memorized). It's a prime example of the book being leaps and bounds better than countless worthy cinematic interpretations. Charles Dickens just does my heart good. A couple choice excerpts:
"The air was filled with phantoms, wandering hither and thither in restless haste, and moaning as they went. Every one of them wore chains like Marley's Ghost; some few (they might be guilty governments) were linked together; none were free. Many had been personally known to Scrooge in their lives. He had been quite familiar with one old ghost, in a white waistcoat, with a monstrous iron safe attached to its ankle, who cried piteously at being unable to assist a wretched woman with an infant, whom it saw below, upon a door-step. The misery with them all was, clearly, that they sought to interfere, for good, in human matters, and had lost the power for ever."

Note the sparseness of the tree's lower quarter. David Jr., certified Christmas tree molester, can be thanked for that. We're hoping we don't have to get rid of the lights down there. We ponder the oddities of human nature as we consider the solution to this toddler's fixation on putting them in his mouth.
"It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour. When Scrooge's nephew laughed in this way: holding his sides, rolling his head, and twisting his face into the most extravagant contortions: Scrooge's niece, by marriage, laughed as heartily as he. And their assembled friends being not a bit behindhand, roared out, lustily. 'Ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha!'"

Yes, a couple of candles are right out of a Dr. Seuss book. Melted in the attic.
I got an illustrated version from the library that I like very much. I highly recommend picking up a copy for a timely, entertaining Christmas read!
We have so much to be thankful for. The Cook family is tremendously blessed!
We had Thanksgiving at our house this year, and everyone contributed to the deliciousness. In fact, I don't think I cooked anything...! Thank you, family. A relaxing warm day of walks, eating and imbibing ended with a very spirited game of Cranium. We all learned that Pop pop can draw tepees quite well with his eyes closed, the Ten Commandments do *not* contain a prohibition on covering our neighbors' a**es, and that Jose Feliciano does a very romantic version of "Light My Fire"...who knew?
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, Family!!
Lolo and Lola are going to GG's home to join Cyndy, Bob, Mary and Tim for turkey and football.
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kate are somewhere in the Caribbean.
David, Cara, Frankie, Teresa, David, and Baby Cook are heading to Pop-pop and Grandmommy's home, to be with all the cousins!
Enjoy the day.
Lolo and Lola are going to GG's home to join Cyndy, Bob, Mary and Tim for turkey and football.
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kate are somewhere in the Caribbean.
David, Cara, Frankie, Teresa, David, and Baby Cook are heading to Pop-pop and Grandmommy's home, to be with all the cousins!
Enjoy the day.
Happy birthday 3 year old
The birthday princess. I promise we're not grooming her for a pageant. This just kindof happened.
Getting in party mode!
The birthday tiara & jewelry, Rapunzel mini doll, and at the end of the day PJs and cupcake sheets were present highlights.
After several failed attempts, all three candles are finally out. Julia stares in disbelief. Those candles were tricky.
Taking a break from group Bella Dancerella to receive a birthday call from Lolo. We're not quite sure how that call ended- sorry Lolo!
Teresa was a solid birthday hostess. Thanks Grandmommy, Aunt Hilary and the cuz's for making the day so special!
Notre Dame/Maryland game
They got home after midnight. Oh to be the first child.
We had a fun afternoon of tailgating with the Forbes and running into some old ND friends.
This weekend is ND/BC. Sorry Jeff and Kate- go Irish beat Eagles!
Dinner table conversation
Teresa: "I've got a baby in my tummy."
Frankie (leaning toward T): "I'm gonna take your baby."
Teresa: "No! Don't take my baby, I just put it there."
Frankie (reaching under T's shirt): "I'm gonna take it!"
Teresa: "Well, I'm going to the store to get another one."
I stifled a smile hearing this. I couldn't help letting the exchange brighten my spirits a tad. I was still fuming from letting the tub overflow while Teresa was in it earlier, causing a waterfall from our basement bathroom ceiling. Let's see, water disaster number 36 in the Cook household? Does one need to call a professional when one knows water is in one's ceiling and walls? After the rain deluge months ago that left our basement flooded and ripped apart, I'm leaning toward letting tonight's water just dry on its own (will it?). Unless someone out there tells me otherwise.
Getting in the trick or treat spirit
Our smiley jack-o-lantern, pre-decomposition. Has anyone else had this problem with the warm, wet weather? Had to throw him out a couple days ago, poor guy.
Lola's new "do" put us all in the Halloween spirit. It actually lights up!
Too bad, the "do" isn't permanent. Lola and Frankie sharing a moment after Mass.
Our little Lori Mitchell collection of Halloween figurines. She's a folk artist from Georgia.
Great gift ideas. Check her out!
Dave's Moment of Fame
ABC 7 News ran a highlight of the Youth Leadership Foundation last week. Congrats on a job well done!
Everyday good news
An armful!
David watching the masons work in our back yard.
The first is that David has begun walking. He toddles a bit like Frankenstein, arms extended and knees stiff. It's adorable.
Barber Dave and his littlest customer.
Cold, rainy days are perfect for baking bread.
Halloween preview
The happy queen.
We visited Unique thrift shop and hit the jackpot in the princess dress department this year.
Has anyone else been sleepy with the arrival of crisp, Autumn weather? We've all found ourselves sleeping in, including David Jr.
Happy Fall!
New/not yet born potatoes
After months of anxious waiting for (read: forgetting entirely about) our modest potato crop, we dug them up today with some excitement. Anyone else's hopes might have been dashed upon pulling up our first specimen.
Yep, that's a quarter.
But us city-folk were just thrilled to be digging up something edible from the garden. Subsequent digs yielded what might be termed new potatoes, though they, too, are probably a hair shy of that designation.
An impressive first try I'd say! Maybe we'll water them next year.
THE cake
"Victory!! I dedicate this is bite to all those babies out there who've never had chocolate cake."
"Those healthy banana cookies? Don't even try it Mom. Not after this."
Things actually started off pretty tame... nice family portrait, David looking stoic below.
"Hmm something different about this piece of food."
And the rest is history. Another beautiful chocolate cake- thank you Lola!
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